Matcha Computing Co.

We're putting the most useful features of a phone into a fun little package to make a distraction free digital sidekick.

You shouldn't have a love/hate relationship with the device you use the most

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This is for you if


1) Easy audio/photo capture

General purpose I/O is always a button press away.

Right button to take a photo, left to record audio

Capturing inspiration and memories, reminders, journalling, etc. without a hyper networked device on you.

2) Useful tools that get out of the way fast

‘Applications’ that need the screen are accessible by just speaking a word.

E.g Here's the weather, and my calendar within a second of saying the word.

3) A *fun* little sidekick.

It’s weird how everyone has love/hate relationships with the device that’s on them the most- their phone.

We want to change this! Having a fun sidekick is built into the device.

More experiments coming here soon.

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